Sunday, 5 May 2024, 12:23 AM
Site: Gourmet Boost
Course: Course Demo 1.1 (Topics Format) (Course Demo 1.1)
Glossary: Glossary Demo

English Grammar: Adjectival Noun


An Adjective can sometimes function as a Nounthe youngthe rich, etc. These are Adjectival Nouns, meaning the people who are young, the people who are rich, etc.

English Grammar: Adjuncts


An adjunct is part of a Sentence and modifies the Verb to show time, manner, place, frequency and degree and is as such closely related to adverbials.

Eg: It is nearly done. ('Nearly' describes the degree to which the action has been done.)

Eg: I go there twice a week. ('Twice a week' describes the frequency with which the action is done.)

English Grammar: Comparatives


The Comparative is the form of an adjective or adverb used to compare two things. To create a comparative, remember that with short adjectives add -er to the end, and longer ones use more before the adjective:

EG: The Nile is longer than the Amazon. - Long >> Longer

EG: Many students find writing more difficult than reading. - Difficult >> More Difficult